The words we use are powerful influencers

The words we use are powerful influencers both for ourselves and for others.

As a mentor and coach I find that often the difference between someone “understanding” a concept about how powerful our mind is – is often simply the words or examples I choose.

That’s why I make a habit of listening to my favorite teachers and mentors on a regular basis.  So often it’s a simple sentence spoken a certain way – that resonates with me – and I get one of those “aha” moments.  Other times I “think” I understand a concept and then – bingo – the neurons in my brain reassemble 🙂 – and I discover a new distinction about a familiar concept or idea.

It’s easy to switch off when we hear something that we think we already “know”.  Terms like  – law of attraction – the power of focus – the power of envisioning and dreaming – the power of feelings – the power of detachment – and others like this – encompass such a wealth of ideas.  And the more you explore these ideas the more you “understand” and can apply in your own life.

Of the terms I have mentioned above, which one resonates most with you today? Indicate your selection below in the comments area.

1. Law of attraction
2. The power of focus
3. The power of envisioning and dreaming
4. The power of feelings
5. The power of detachment

Spend a little time today pondering your selection. In what way is it powerful for you?  In what ways can you apply this in what you do today? How can you remind yourself about this concept during the day? What mental trigger ca you apply?

Have fun with this.

A problem is a relative term

What is or isn’t seen as a “problem” varies enormously for people. This was brought home to me very clearly when I was recently watching an episode of Australian Master Chef.

The “challenge” for the contestants was to cook the “perfect rare steak” – in a minimum time of course. The judges then tasted the steaks and gave their verdict. Only two contestants scored the “perfect rare steak” and were therefore “safe” from elimination. The rest were scored as “medium steaks”.

This was followed by reactions from contestants on hearing their respective “verdict”.

Contestant 1 – “It’s a kick in the guts. But you have to go on.”

Contestant 2 – “It’s a nightmare.”

In the final cook-off, one contestant remarked, “Fifteen minutes before the restaurant opened I felt completely under the pump and I felt like throwing in the towel – but I didn’t. And I’m so glad I didn’t.”

A “problem” is really a point of view – a perspective we take on a subject.  And if we take a negative perspective – or view – then we can too easily feel discouraged.  If on the other hand, we take a positive view of the situation at hand – for example – rather than feeling burdened by a “problem” – we think in terms of it being a “challenge” that will lead to some benefit – tangible or intangible – then we will feel completely different.  We will feel energized and keen to face the issue.

Whenever we find ourselves using words like “problem” that’s a clue to what we are thinking and how we might be feeling.  Whereas when we find ourselves using language like “challenge” that’s also a clue  –  feedback – about our internal state of mind – what we are thinking and feeling.  Provided of course that we see the “challenge” as “manageable”.

If we see a challenge as too big – too overwhelming – and we can tell this is the case because of how we feel (drained or overwhelmed) by the “challenge” – then we need to  break the challenge down into smaller “chunks” – smaller “bite-size” activities – that do feel manageable for us and therefore feel better for us.

After all a “problem” is a relative thing.

Follow your bliss – what do you enjoy doing?

In the 1980s journalist Bill Moyers interviewed world mythology expert Joseph Campbell about his life’s work. From that PBS TV series came the now famous phrase, “Follow your bliss”.

Here’s an excerpt from one of the interviews (clip unavailable):

Bill Moyers
How would you advise someone to tap into that life – that eternal joy (of following your bliss)?

Joseph Campbell
When you get those little intuitions of where your joy is – grab it! No-one can tell you what it’s going to be. You’ve got to learn to recognize your own depths.

Bill Moyers
Do you ever have this sense when you’re following your bliss – of being helped by “hidden hands”?

Joseph Campbell
All the time! It’s miraculous!  … Invisible hands coming all of the time…
If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track – that’s been there all the while waiting for you.  (and it feels like) the life you’re living, is the life you ought to be living somehow. And when you see it, you begin to deal with people who are in the field of your bliss. I say – “Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid – and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”

Bill Moyers:
“Do you ever have sympathy for the man who has no invisible means of support?”

Joseph Campbell
Invisible? (smiling) Yes, he’s the one who evokes compassion.

Here’s an alternate clip by David Kudler about Joseph Campbell.